Team Colburn's Blog

Joshua, Carrie, Jack, Lola and Scout. An unstoppable force

Jacks First Photo Shoot 06/19/2010

Filed under: jack — teamcolburn @ 9:22 am

Our friend Lia is at it again. Check out some of the photos she took of Jack


Jacks First Friends!!! 06/04/2010

Filed under: jack — teamcolburn @ 3:56 pm

28 Weeks!!! (Chinese Cabbage) 03/15/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 2:26 pm

We are officially 7 months! I remember when we first found out we were pregnant we had some events that we kind of set as milestones in the pregnancy. Our dear friends Erin and Jeremy’s wedding was one of the milestones I remember thinking man… thats so far away and you are going to be so preggy when that wedding comes around… Well the wedding was over the weekend and we are coming around the bend! We had a blast this weekend we got to stay up at our friends cabin in the snow and I got to dance with a hot preggy lady! Carrie looked super cute all dressed up for a wedding with a big ol baby bump. I must say her prego glow was in full effect. Last night we laid in bed and put some headphones on Carries tummy (see post below) Jack was kicking all around and hopefully enjoying himself.

It seems like where we use to have all the time in the world we are running out of time now!! Our weekends are now officially booked solid from here until the baby comes with classes, showers and todo’s. We are greatfully preparing the nest for baby Jack.

Thanks for reading!


Jacks First Playlist 03/14/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 7:57 pm
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Tonight we laid in bed and played jack some of our favorite music. The playlist consisted of
Alison Krauss
My Morning Jacket
Of Land & Sea (Dad)
Nada Surf
Jeff Buckley

He was kicking so much during all this especially when dad came on the headphones!!


27 Weeks!!! (Head Of Cauliflower) 03/10/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 2:45 pm

Look at that belly grow!!! Jack is about 15 inches long now and weighs over two pounds! So cool! Only a few months until we get to meet him face to face! I’m so curious as to what he is going to look like… I hope he has his moms pretty green eyes 🙂 One of our favorite things to do is lay in bed and day dream about our little boy… Our hopes and aspirations for him, Our fears and excitement about being parents. A few things we are almost sure (I’m curious to check back on this in 5-10 years and see how right we are)

1. He will prolly wet the bed and suck his thumb… Both Carrie and I were bed wetters and thumb suckers.

2. He will have Charm… I mean common I didnt land a hot wife like Carrie on my looks haha It was all charm. C is super charming too its a given…

3. He will be horrible at math… I hope this is not true but if he is anything like C and I… we shall see.

4. He will Never EVER cry… hahaha as you can see these are just silly things we think about none factual…

One of the great things about all of this is the mystery of Jack! We really know little about him but one thing is for sure we love that little guy and we are excited to meet him!


3rd Trimester Here We Come! 03/08/2010

Filed under: Daddy Rant,jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 12:02 pm

So today the 3rd trimester officially starts! It’s crazy to think how fast this as all gone by, At times it has felt like we were moving at a snail pace. As we enter into the third its making me do a bit of reflection on the last 7 months…

1st trimester

brought on so much fear and anxiety… The doctors said she was pregnant but she didn’t feel any different didn’t look any different yet something miraculous has happened inside of her body… and then all the feelings of ok don’t get too excited statistics show that scary things can happen the first 12 weeks… Hold this loosely It’s not “official.” The hardest part about the first trimester was not shouting from the roof tops that my wife was pregnant and Im going to be a daddy and Carrie a mommy… I think one of the biggest realizations I had in the first trimester is that this child is a gift from God. This is a child of God, and we have been handed the privilege of being caregivers to this precious cargo. We have been blessed with the task of raising this baby to love God and love others. We are both greatfull to have gone through the anxiety and stress that comes along with finding out you are pregnant. Our relationship grew stronger, our prayer life got deeper and our love and understanding for God got richer. We gained a glimpse of the fathers heart for us.

2nd trimester

Was a blast! So much fun… Carrie started to show, we found out we were having a Jack not a Jill, Baby started to kick and our love for this child grew to unimaginable depths, All the excitement surrounding Jack really started to take off. All of our friends and family have been so supportive through this whole thing. I love watching Carrie walk into a room and light it up!  Its amazing watching the bond between Carrie and Jack grow on a daily basis… She is going to be a great mom. Watching her body change shape and watching her welcome all the changes has been a privilege and something I will never forget. All of our hopes and excitement really started to flourish during the 2nd. Reality had finally set in… We are having, a baby his name is Jack and We adore him.

3rd trimester

Only a few more months until we get to see our little guy face to face. We were laying in bed last night talking and singing to Jack and it’s amazing that only a thin layer of skin separates us from him… yet we have to wait till the time is right and we get to meet him. By now his ears are functional and I think if you were able to ask Jack whats one of your favorite sounds? He would say laughter… my parents laugh a lot


23 Weeks!!! (Papaya) 02/08/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 9:47 pm

Holy crap… Is this thing flying by or what?  Everything seemed to be in slow motion from week 4-19 once we found out we were having a Jack and not a Jill things have been warp speed ahead… We went from thinking Carrie was showing (when clearly she was not haha) to now you can’t help but notice. This week we got a dresser from our friend and we painted it white and found some really sweet drawer pulls that match our nursery set (they actually have all the characters in the forest friends bed set we got on them!) So Jack has a sweet custom dresser. Carrie has almost grown out of her “normal” clothes and has almost graduated to wearing only maternity clothes. I seem to be following suit and am also growing out of my “normal” clothes (they should make paternity wear) Hey don’t judge, Im not going to let Carrie polish off a full burrito alone… imagine the guilt she would feel.

Jack has been putting more of a show on lately kicking and squirming around like he is part of a one man mosh pit. Apparently he has no eye color yet… the thought of that is creepy to me so I am picturing him with poo brown eyes like his dad or pretty jade eyes like his mom. One of the things that has blown us away is all of the excitement surrounding our little Jack. Already he is spreading love and joy and we are grateful for that. Also we are grateful for the outpouring of stuff we are getting… WOW this sunday at church we had a few friends bring us a bunch of stuff… So If thats you (you know who you are) THANKS!!!

We love you

Joshua, Carrie, Jack, Lola (the sage) and Scout


Our Little Soccer Player 02/06/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 10:17 am

Last night we were laying in bed with our listening device trying to hear Jacks heart beat… After awhile of searching we decided maybe the batteries were dead in the listening device cos we weren’t having any luck. I ran down stairs to find some batteries and I heard the voice of Carrie shouting “quick come here come here!!!” After my sprint up the stairs Carrie told me Jack was kicking and you could really feel it. So I placed my hand on her tummy and what do you know?!?!?! Our little guy was doing leg lunges! Here is some video we took moments after the event.