Team Colburn's Blog

Joshua, Carrie, Jack, Lola and Scout. An unstoppable force

Hi I’m Jack and I am 3 weeks old 06/19/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 9:36 am

The last three weeks have been so amazing to say the least. We have been blessed with a beautiful boy named Jack. He loves milk and he squeaks like a baby dragon.

Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last few weeks.

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some cute pics of Jack 06/08/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 9:24 pm


Welcome home Jack!! 05/28/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 2:28 pm

Today Jack decided to join us! We love him so much. I’ll blog the full story soon. I must say I am so impressed with my amazing wife. Carrie is the strongest person I have ever met. Jack friggen rules


36 weeks!!!! 05/17/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 6:00 pm

So yeah. Life has been busy, unfortunately when a busy wave hits, you tend to forego little things like blogging. So much has happened since I last blogged but I’m going to give you the run down of the last few weeks. Here goes! Carrie wacked her tummy on a door knob so we had to go to the hospital to get checked out. Thank God everything was fine with Carrie and baby. We both learned that hospital food sucks but the staff is really awesome. After the doctor gave us strict orders to get Carrie home so she could rest our dog scout decided to run away from home (we found him) then carrie got the cold from hell and I basically got the silent treatment for two weeks because she lost her voice. we are both still mourning the loss of our daily piggy back rides but we shall have them back in a few weeks. I turned 30 (old) Carrie threw me an amazing birthday party and worked her butt off to make me feel special (she achieved that) After four baby showers we have all we need and more (thank you friends and family for all your love generosity) Carrie is still looking amazing and it’s fun for me to observe people smiling, pointing and commenting on how amazing she looks. Not only does she look good but her attitude throughout the whole pregnancy has been inspirational. She is a rock and her beauty is equally matched by her character. I’m a lucky man and Jack is a lucky boy.


Full Term

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 5:55 pm

So today Jack is full term! He is pretty much done cooking!!! We can’t wait to meet him. Everything is ready the nursery is done. The car seat is in the car. His sheets and cloths are all washed in a special baby detergent. Mom is ready to have her body back. We are ready to meet him. Officially we have 3 weeks till the due date. I have a feeling this little man may come early… We shall see.


35 Weeks!!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 5:47 pm

Jack is growing like crazy! Sorry it took so long to get these up!


33 weeks!!!! 04/24/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 9:49 am

This last week has been super busy. We have been doing a ton of house work. The guest room is all set up and ready for family to come and visit the nursery is about 80% complete the bathroom is fully cleaned and decked out with an ocean theme and the yard has been weeded. We feel like we are ready for this little guy to come home and play with us. We had our baby shower last Saturday and we are beyond blessed. We got all the major stuff we needed!! It blows me away all the love and support we have received from our friends and family. Carrie is growing more uncomfortable every day but she is taking this all like a champ. Pregnancy suits her well. Like I say every week in this blog she is beautiful and the prego glow has not faded it only gets stronger.


Aurora Borealis 04/17/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 11:04 am

A few years back I was in Minnesota playing music on a retreat and I was able to see the Aurora Borealis… I remember being in that moment in such awe… I remember feeling so blessed as I watch these amazing lights dancing around the sky. It was a very significant moment in my life to witness such beauty I remember thinking to myself “Experiences like this are few and far between”

The other night around 3:15am I woke up and decided to put my hand on Carries tummy and Jack put on quite a show he was kicking and moving I could feel appendages sweeping across the thin layer of skin that separates us from each other. He also had the hiccups and he was rhythmically shaking Carries whole body.

Just like my time in Minnesota it felt like an amazing show was being performed in front of me and I felt extremely humbled and privileged to experience it. I am blessed… God is good


32 Weeks!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 10:49 am

So it took me awhile to get this post up, sorry about that but things are crazy in the Colburn household these days. We had a doctors appointment this week and Jack is healthy and growing like a weed! There is more baby in that tummy than fluid so Jacks Kicks are getting stronger and more noticeable. Carrie has been such a trooper throughout this whole pregnancy its such a privilege to walk along side of someone so strong and amazing

We did a hospital tour this last week and it looks like Jack will be born in Antioch! The hospital is amazing and we are blessed to have such amazing benefits. One thing the hospital visit really brought home the reality that this is happening… Up until now its been all about growing tummies, kicks, nursery, baby blankets, showers and all the fun stuff that comes along with being pregnant. Now we are face to face with the reality that comes along with pregnancy… the birth. I think both of us carry around different anxieties but we are both ready for the challenge. Like I said earlier its an honor to walk along side of someone so strong I can only imagine how strong she will be when the day comes… the birth of our son.

As you can see in these pictures Carrie looks amazing and when she tells people she is 8 months pregnant the response is always the same… “wow you look amazing.”  I can only grin and think to myself… Yup thats my beautiful wife and what she carries inside of her is my beautiful boy.


31 Weeks!! 04/08/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 1:57 pm

31 weeks… Still trucking along here… Sleeping is getting much harder for Carrie but she just purchased the most giant pillow I have ever seen, we shall see if that helps. The weather has been really nice lately so we have been going on evening walks… well I walk she waddles. We had another ultrasound and found out that Jack is a pretty big boy so we might be looking at an 8lb or more baby! We have already been receiving lots of gifts from our family and friends and we must say how grateful we are for that! Also Carries belly button has fully popped oh the joys of pregnancy!

Thanks for reading