Team Colburn's Blog

Joshua, Carrie, Jack, Lola and Scout. An unstoppable force

32 Weeks!! 04/17/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 10:49 am

So it took me awhile to get this post up, sorry about that but things are crazy in the Colburn household these days. We had a doctors appointment this week and Jack is healthy and growing like a weed! There is more baby in that tummy than fluid so Jacks Kicks are getting stronger and more noticeable. Carrie has been such a trooper throughout this whole pregnancy its such a privilege to walk along side of someone so strong and amazing

We did a hospital tour this last week and it looks like Jack will be born in Antioch! The hospital is amazing and we are blessed to have such amazing benefits. One thing the hospital visit really brought home the reality that this is happening… Up until now its been all about growing tummies, kicks, nursery, baby blankets, showers and all the fun stuff that comes along with being pregnant. Now we are face to face with the reality that comes along with pregnancy… the birth. I think both of us carry around different anxieties but we are both ready for the challenge. Like I said earlier its an honor to walk along side of someone so strong I can only imagine how strong she will be when the day comes… the birth of our son.

As you can see in these pictures Carrie looks amazing and when she tells people she is 8 months pregnant the response is always the same… “wow you look amazing.”  I can only grin and think to myself… Yup thats my beautiful wife and what she carries inside of her is my beautiful boy.


31 Weeks!! 04/08/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 1:57 pm

31 weeks… Still trucking along here… Sleeping is getting much harder for Carrie but she just purchased the most giant pillow I have ever seen, we shall see if that helps. The weather has been really nice lately so we have been going on evening walks… well I walk she waddles. We had another ultrasound and found out that Jack is a pretty big boy so we might be looking at an 8lb or more baby! We have already been receiving lots of gifts from our family and friends and we must say how grateful we are for that! Also Carries belly button has fully popped oh the joys of pregnancy!

Thanks for reading


30 Weeks!!! 03/31/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 6:06 pm

Ok… lots of stuff going on with us right now… We did the 3D images of Jack (see a few posts below) We had a maternity shoot (see post below) This week we have a few classes to go to so we can learn how to properly feed our child… Carrie is still rockin what I like to call the preggo glow to the max… and I think she looked absolutely stunning in the photos we took! Jack has been getting the hiccups as of late and its a lot of fun to feel the rhythmic pulse in Carries belly… One of the cool things we got to see in our 3D ultrasound was Jack sticking out his tongue the lady who performed the ultrasound asked Carrie if she had eaten something sweet… C responded with “yup I had a pop tart” and the lady said thats why he is sticking his tongue out becaues he can taste the sweetness… Pretty cool if you ask me. I can tell that his kicks are starting to take a turn from “aww how cute he is moving around” to “Ouch I think he just kicked my bladder out of place” but both of us are still amazed at the miracle growing inside of Carrie.

Only 10 more weeks till we get to snuggy this little guy! Can’t wait!

PS- Notice Carrie is rockin the Eleventeen hoodie! NICE!


A Photo Shoot With Lia

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 5:36 pm

We had the opportunity to have our photos taken by our talented friend Lia!! We are so grateful for her sharing her talent with us! Here are some of the photos from the shoot and you can see more of us and her lovely work here  As Lia would say “Its so cute you might barf” Enjoy!


New Poll!!! 03/27/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 2:30 pm

Check out the new poll we have up… If its anything like the last one its going to be a nail biter…


Yay He Is Cute!!

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 2:16 pm

Today we did the 4D ultrasound… What is 4D you ask? I have no clue all I know is we got to see some pretty amazing footage of our son floating around in mommy land….

Here are some of the pix we got… I think he has Carries Lips, chin and cheeks  and my nose… What do you guys think? It felt a bit like cheating getting to see his face so defined but well worth it… We cant wait to meet him for reals!


29 Weeks!!! 03/22/2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — teamcolburn @ 2:24 pm

I have decided to stop the fruit/veggie comparison… lets face it there is a baby growing inside of Carrie and he is big…

So spring training is in full effect and the Giants are looking pretty good to celebrate that I thought I would surprise Carrie and I bought her a Giants maternity shirt! She always looks good in the orange and black but now she can show off her baby bump and her love of the Giants… Jack has been moving around like he has somewhere to go… Kicking and punching but little does he know he still needs to cook for a few more  months. All the things that seemed so far away are now finally here… Carrie has a few baby showers our nursery is just about done and now its the little things like baby proofing the house and learning how to keep it clean haha. I do believe this will be one of the last weeks Carrie can tie her shoes. Her body is really starting to feel the effect of being 7 months preggers… her hips are sore her back is achey and Im having to roll her out of bed. We are going in for a 3d ultrasound next saturday so stay tuned for some sweet pictures of our baby boy. Carrie is looking as cute as ever and we are both extremely excited for these next few months

thanks for reading



28 Weeks!!! (Chinese Cabbage) 03/15/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 2:26 pm

We are officially 7 months! I remember when we first found out we were pregnant we had some events that we kind of set as milestones in the pregnancy. Our dear friends Erin and Jeremy’s wedding was one of the milestones I remember thinking man… thats so far away and you are going to be so preggy when that wedding comes around… Well the wedding was over the weekend and we are coming around the bend! We had a blast this weekend we got to stay up at our friends cabin in the snow and I got to dance with a hot preggy lady! Carrie looked super cute all dressed up for a wedding with a big ol baby bump. I must say her prego glow was in full effect. Last night we laid in bed and put some headphones on Carries tummy (see post below) Jack was kicking all around and hopefully enjoying himself.

It seems like where we use to have all the time in the world we are running out of time now!! Our weekends are now officially booked solid from here until the baby comes with classes, showers and todo’s. We are greatfully preparing the nest for baby Jack.

Thanks for reading!


Jacks First Playlist 03/14/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 7:57 pm
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Tonight we laid in bed and played jack some of our favorite music. The playlist consisted of
Alison Krauss
My Morning Jacket
Of Land & Sea (Dad)
Nada Surf
Jeff Buckley

He was kicking so much during all this especially when dad came on the headphones!!


27 Weeks!!! (Head Of Cauliflower) 03/10/2010

Filed under: jack,Pregnant — teamcolburn @ 2:45 pm

Look at that belly grow!!! Jack is about 15 inches long now and weighs over two pounds! So cool! Only a few months until we get to meet him face to face! I’m so curious as to what he is going to look like… I hope he has his moms pretty green eyes 🙂 One of our favorite things to do is lay in bed and day dream about our little boy… Our hopes and aspirations for him, Our fears and excitement about being parents. A few things we are almost sure (I’m curious to check back on this in 5-10 years and see how right we are)

1. He will prolly wet the bed and suck his thumb… Both Carrie and I were bed wetters and thumb suckers.

2. He will have Charm… I mean common I didnt land a hot wife like Carrie on my looks haha It was all charm. C is super charming too its a given…

3. He will be horrible at math… I hope this is not true but if he is anything like C and I… we shall see.

4. He will Never EVER cry… hahaha as you can see these are just silly things we think about none factual…

One of the great things about all of this is the mystery of Jack! We really know little about him but one thing is for sure we love that little guy and we are excited to meet him!